Causes of black teeth in children

Causes of black teeth in children | Isfahan Children's Dentist,,fa,What is pulp?,,fa,How to make a child happy with dentistry?,,fa,August 23,,fa

Investigating the causes of black teeth in children

You can't wait for your baby's gummy smile to turn into a toddler's toothy smile, but to your surprise, you discover that his baby teeth aren't completely white, even though baby teeth are usually cream or ivory in color.. There are factors that cause the growth of milk teeth and eventually change the color and blackness of children's teeth. Not all discolorations and darkening of baby teeth are transferred to permanent teeth. In this article from the website of Dr. Akhli, Isfahan Children's Dentist,,fa,What is pulp?,,fa,How to make a child happy with dentistry?,,fa,August 23,,fa We will examine the causes of black teeth in children.

dental plaque

If your baby's baby teeth look yellow or orange, it is probably because his teeth are not cleaned well and the plaque is stained with food particles.. Among other causes of tooth discoloration Blackening of children's milk teeth It is damage to the teeth or gums, which are stained by falling or hitting in early childhood, as well as blackening of teeth with iron drops, is another cause of black teeth in children..

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Weak tooth enamel

Your child may have inherited weak tooth enamel, which causes the cream and yellow color of his teeth and makes him more susceptible to tooth decay.. Also, a newborn baby who has jaundice may have baby teeth that have a green tint.. Severe infections and diseases such as hepatitis and some forms of heart disease also affect the discoloration of children's teeth.

Use of fluoride and antibiotics

Excessive intake of fluoride through drinking water and using toothpaste during early childhood causes. that your child has a disease called fluorosis (Poisoning caused by fluoride and its compounds) It is called to be infected. Fluorosis causes mild color change such as white stripes and dots or severe color change such as black spots, as well as cracks and holes in primary or permanent teeth.. If your child takes medicines containing iron such as vitamin supplements. Or if the child's mother takes the antibiotic tetracycline during pregnancy. You can see the black spots of baby teeth.

Does drinking milk cause tooth decay in children? | Isfahan Children's Dentist,,fa,What is pulp?,,fa,How to make a child happy with dentistry?,,fa,August 23,,fa

Taking iron supplements

Iron supplements for babies are generally in the form of drops. Because children at this age cannot take pills. The liquid supplement is dark and reddish-brown in color and often causes staining and blackening of children's teeth. According to studies, a white spot appears on your teeth and a dark spot on them as well as your gum line. Spots appear immediately or gradually. In addition, if the child continues to take iron supplements and uses them continuously. Stains reappear very quickly after being removed.

The Instagram page of Dr. Najmeh Akhlik, a children's dentist in Isfahan

Iron supplement drops may cause tooth discoloration and staining to a reddish brown color. You may notice the color change immediately, or you may notice it over time. Because most babies use iron drops for several months. Depending on how the baby swallows the iron drops, stains may appear on one or more teeth throughout the baby's mouth.. The spots are generally light, but have different densities.

If iron drops stain your child's teeth. Ask your doctor for alternatives such as chewable forms of supplements. It is recommended that children have a diet rich in iron. Feed him lean meats, fish and legumes suitable for the child's age so that he does not suffer from iron deficiency first, and if he suffers Iron deficiency شود. As soon as his iron source is provided. By eating iron-rich foods with foods rich in vitamin C, such as orange juice, tomatoes, strawberries, creamed broccoli, or potatoes, provide your child with the most iron without developing black teeth..

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